
Title: Presentation of the Hourglass Collection
The Hourglass: A Decorative Time Measure! The hourglass is a fascinating object, both for its harmonious shapes and for the dynamic of time passage it displays through the movement of its sand. This unique feature allows it to be used for interior decoration, as well as for measuring the passage of time. Indeed, one can observe time literally flowing away.

Headline: Experience the Magic of Measuring Time with Our Hourglasses
At Hourglasses from Around the World, our hourglasses are not only decorative items, they are precise time measuring tools. They are calibrated for various durations: 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes or 7 minutes for short activities, 10 minutes, 15 minutes or 30 minutes for longer periods, and even an hour-long hourglass for extended activities. These hourglasses can be used for numerous tasks such as cooking, brushing your teeth, getting ready for school, timing a shower, brewing coffee or tea, contemplating nature, taking breaks at work, napping, yoga sessions, meditation or exercise, and much more. You can find all our hourglasses, sorted by duration, in our collections by using the available filters.

Headline: The Magnetic Hourglass Collection – The Magic of Magnets
Discover our magnetic hourglass collection. Placed on a wooden base housing a magnet, the sand made of ferromagnetic particles flows in a unique way. This fascinating and relaxing vision is created through the magic of magnets.

Technical specifications of the Hourglass Collection

High-quality materials
Calibrated for precise time measurement
Various durations available: from 1 minute to 1 hour
Can be used for various tasks and activities
Unique and decorative design

Experience the magic of measuring time with our beautifully designed and precise hourglasses. Choose the duration that suits your needs and discover the numerous ways our hourglasses can help you in your daily life. From short activities such as brushing your teeth or brewing coffee, to longer periods for activities like cooking, napping, or meditation. Our hourglasses are not only functional but also decorative items that will enhance the beauty of your interior. Don’t hesitate to explore our collections, filter by duration, and find the perfect hourglass for you.


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Showing 1–16 of 191 results